共同基金(互惠基金)在过去的20年内已成为极受欢迎的投资工具。它已成为许多人日常生活的一部分。在美国有超过8000多万人,即一半的家庭投资互惠基金。根据美国投资公司协会(Investment Company Institute)的最新统计,到20074月,美国互惠基金的投资总额已突破11万亿美元。在加拿大人口,互惠基金投资总额也已超过7000万加元,即人均2万加元投资于互惠基金。事实上,对于大多数人来说,投资即意味着购买互惠基金。至少,投资于互惠基金比单纯把钱存入银行的支票账户和储蓄账户要好。












2) 股息收益:即基金的红利分配。




隔离基金(Segregated Funds),或是分离基金,又叫保证基金,由保险公司管理的一种投资基金形式。之所以称之为“分离基金”,是因为这种基金是与保险公司其它资产分开管理。

分离基金除了具有互惠基金本身分散投资、降低风险及专业人士管理的特点之外,最大的优势在于其带有保障投资者本金的功能。分离基金合同规定,在约定的期间内(一般为十年),投资人所投入的本金在到期时(Maturity Date),可获得所约定的保障(75% 或 100%)。尽管不同种类的分离基金仍然存在看不同程度的风险,但是因为可以“保本”,同时在总体上比互惠基金更加稳健,所以分离基金更适合长期投资安排,特别是在投资市场波动很大的时期。

分离基金可以用于购买 RRSP 或 RESP,其投资方式灵活多样,既能一次性投资然后随时追加投资,也可以通过系统设定实现定期定额投资(Dollar Cost Averaging)。


Creditor protection:只要指定受益人,投资人在分离基金中的资产就不受债权人的追索。此项选择非常适合于那些自己做生意的投资者,或自雇人士。
Powerful guarantees:不论市场如何变化,如基金拥有人在合同期间内去世,投资者在分离基金中的投资本金可得到合同规定的保障。通常为100%的本金。
Freedom from probate fees:分离基金合同的受益人可直接获得该项资产,可免去遗产继承过程中的法律费用等。

Lock-in the growth of your investment:在税收方面,分离基金亦较普通的互惠基金具有优势。




Segregated Funds Vs Mutual Funds


       "保本基金(Segregated Funds)"在加拿大是于1961年开始由人寿保险公司提供。这种保险公司版的互惠基金,与投资公司的互惠基金,有一些相似性,但也有许多重要差别。


BenefitSeg FundsMutual Funds
Maturity Guarantee
Yes No
Death Guarantee
Yes No
Creditor Proofing
Yes No
Probate Protection
Yes No
Insurance Protection
Yes No

Mutual funds are regulated under the provincial securities regulators and segregated funds are regulated by the provincial insurance officials. Mutual funds are offered through a prospectus filed with the provincial securities commission and segregated funds are offered through an information folder. Most mutual funds and segregated funds are available on a deferred sales charge basis.

Like mutual funds, the segregated fund policy holder has no ownership rights in the assets of the fund. They remain the property of the insurance company. Segregated fund units and mutual fund shares are units of value, where the policy holder owns an interest but not a piece of property. According to the market value of a specified group of assets, the insurance company must maintain separate funds with separate assets for each fund.

Segregated Funds are actually variable deferred annuity contracts with insurance protection in the event of death. It is this insurance component that brings together many of the benefits of segregated funds. At death, proceeds of a segregated fund can pass directly to a named beneficiary, and are not subject to creditor's claims, probate, lawyer's or executor's fees. As long as a preferred beneficiary is designated, creditor protection exists during the policy holder's lifetime even if a bankruptcy occurs. Mutual funds don't have this protection, since, upon death, they become part of the deceased's estate and are subject to taxes, legal, executor and probate fees.

Segregated Funds offer guarantees at maturity (ten years from date of purchase) or death on the limit of potential losses - 100% of original deposits, less any withdrawals, are guaranteed which makes them an attractive alternative for the cautious and/or long term investor. No such guarantees exist for mutual funds and it is possible to have little or nothing left at death or plan maturity.

To the extent that the maturity and death guarantees of segregated funds are applicable, these same amounts are covered up to $60,000 by CompCorp, the insurance company protection association, when you have such an investment with one of CompCorps member companies. Mutual Funds are not covered in like manner under CDIC, the equivalent bank insurance coverage.

If you purchase non-registered mutual funds towards the end of a calendar year, you could pay tax for a year's worth of capital gains even though you did not own units for a whole year. With segregated funds, income is allocated monthly so you don't have to pay tax on gains that arose before you owned units.

Non-registered segregated funds have an additional tax advantage over mutual funds. If a segregated fund loses capital in a given year, the unit holders can claim the capital loss on their taxes and offset any capital gains made on other investments. Taxation rules allow the allocation of capital gains or losses without cashing in the units held. Mutual funds do not have the ability to allocate. They distribute gains or losses and a loss cannot be distributed. The only way to declare a loss with a mutual fund is to sell the units held.